Celebrate V-day as mummy-daddy day: Ram Sene
February 07, 2012  17:43

News from the theatre of the absurd: Terming the Valentine's day as a manifestation of western culture, the Shri Ram Sene today asked parents and youths to celebrate February 14 as the mother-father day across the country. 

"We appeal to Jammu and Kashmir youths not to celebrate the Valentine's day. We also appeal to parents and youths to celebrate it as the mother-father day across the country," SRS Jammu head Rajiv Mahajan said.

SRS activists would keep a strict watch on hotels, restaurants, parks, theatres and gift shops and those found indulging in vulgar behaviour on February 14 would not be spared, he warned.


On Rediff.com: BEWARE: These Indian cities DON'T love lovers!

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