Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh tried to scuttle Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati's bid to name the Dudhwa national park after Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, urging her that it would be better rechristen it as Billy Arjan Singh Tiger Reserve as a mark of tribute to the legendary conservationist.
Expressing his full respect for Ambedkar, Ramesh pointed out that the late Billy Arjan Singh was "an internationally known figure who more than any one else put Dudhwa on the world map." Billy had contributed immensely for shaping Dudhwa as a protected area, spending his life time staying close to the park and giving valuable advice to strengthen the tiger conservation in the area, he said in a letter faxed to Mayawati on Friday.
Ramesh wrote, "I fully share your admiration and respect for Dr Ambedkar, one of the greatest sons of India. Whatever we do is not enough to acknowledge his magnificent contribution to our political life. However, in the matter of the Dudhwa National Park, may I say that Billy Arjan Singh's contributions have been so very outstanding that naming Dudhwa as 'Billy Arjan Singh Tiger Reserve' would in no way diminish our gratitude to Dr Ambedkar.. This gesture would go a long way in strengthening the bonds between the Forest Department and outside experts for saving our endangered national animal and our forests."