Rashtriya Janata Dal supremo Lalu Prasad on Thursday hit back at Nitin Gadkari for his derogatory remarks against him and Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav, saying the Bharatiya Janata Party president has gone 'mentally bankrupt'.
"We will first try to give Gadkari tablets to cure his mental bankruptcy, then put him on capsules and if the tablets and capsules fail, we will put him on injection," Prasad told a press conference in Patna.
On Gadkari criticising the SP, RJD and the Bahujan Samaj Party for not backing the National Democratic Alliance during the cut motions, alleging that they did so to wriggle out of investigations by the Central Bureau of Investigation, Prasad countered that Gadkari was spearheading a campaign against the CBI to save several leaders of his party, who had allegedly stashed unaccounted black money in Swiss banks.
He claimed that since the CBI was about to take permission from the Congress-led government at the Centre for their prosecution, "Gadkari is spearheading a campaign against the investigating agency. The BJP president is desperate."
He claimed that the CBI may seek the help of the Interpol to trace black money in Swiss banks and to know its source.
"We are once again being targeted for political purposes and to pre-empt the CBI from prosecuting them (BJP leaders)," he added.