The Centre has promoted Vijay Raman, a senior Indian Police Service officer as a special director general of Central Reserve Police Force to exclusively handle the left-wing extremism challenging the country.
The home ministry sources said he will be posted in Raipur. His brief is to coordinate with the police chiefs of the seven Maoist-infested states and plan strategies to mount attacks on the extremists.
He has been empowered to liaise with the three armed forces and given the command to call them at any point of time. He will directly report to Home Minister P Chidambaram and the Union home secretary.
Vijay Raman had played a key role in nabbing dreaded Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorist commander Ghazi Baba in Kashmir in 2003.
The Kerala-born Vijay Raman(58), IPS officer of 1975 batch of Madhya Pradesh cadre, was with the Special Protection Group during the prime ministership of Rajiv Gandhi.
Decorated with three police medals, he was the Inspector General of Police in Jammu and Kashmir government during the holding up of Ghazi Baba. He was again in Jammu and Kashmir with the Border Security Force until January when he moved to Delhi to join the CRPF.