West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee claimed on Monday that he had got specific information on the Trinamool Congress' link with the Maoists and warned the party not to join hands with it to put the Communist Party of India-Marxist in trouble.
"Trinamool Congress is working together with the Maoists in some parts of the state. I have specific information that it is working with the Maoists at Salbani, Goaltore and Garbeta in West Midnapore district, Sarenga in Bankura and Balarampur in Purulia. I am telling them don't go that way," he said. Initially, Trinamool had said there was nothing called the Maoists. The Maoists and Peoples Committee against Police Atrocities are hand in glove and we know Trinamool's connection with them," Bhattacharjee told a Left Front rally organised to protest against rising prices of essential commodities.
Bhattacharjee charged Trinamool with trying to create terror and anarchy in the state. "Whenever there was trouble in a district like Hooghly, I told the district administration to convene a meeting to stop it, but they will not attend it.It will only foment trouble," he said. The chief minister said if Trinamool Congress was really trying to establish peace, it would have attended those metings. "I am still advising it to talk to the government and not to go that way."