Beleaguered former Jharkhand Chief Minister Madhu Koda, who faces the charge of money laundering, on Friday apprehended threat to his life and played the tribal card alleging he was being harassed because of his tribal identity.
"There is a threat to my life. There is a conspiracy to annihilate me. I am a victim of conspiracy. I know who are doing all this. Whatever being published in the media is baseless," Koda told newsmen just before entering Chaibasa, about 250 km from Ranchi.
"I am being harassed as I am a tribal belonging to a poor family," said Koda who was without any security.
Koda said he was heading towards his Jagannathpur assembly constituency for electioneering and not to his paternal home near Chaibasa.
Asked whether he had informed the IT and ED, the former chief minister said he had sent a letter to both the agencies seeking permission to leave home in Ranchi.
The IT department officials are tight-lipped as to how Koda left home as it had claimed earlier that his interrogation was on.
Koda, however, said he would be available for interrogation by the IT and ED.
Alleging he was implicated in false cases, he challenged his adversaries to disclose where and how much money he had invested.
"I will continue to work for the people of this region and ready to sacrifice my life for them. I am not afraid of these things," he added.