Complying with a Bombay High Court directive, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena President Raj Thackeray will surrender before a Kalyan court on Monday in a 2008 riot case in which North Indians appearing for railway recruitment examination were assaulted.
After presenting himself before the court, Thackeray would move an application saying he was surrendering, his lawyer Sayaji Nangre told PTI. After the court grants him custody, Thackeray would immediately move for bail. The High Court on June 16 set aside an anticipatory bail granted to Thackeray in the same case by a lower court and asked him to surrender before the court concerned by June end. The state government had filed an appeal in the high court challenging interim anticipatory bail granted to the MNS leader.
Justice Rekha Sondurbaldota had noted that custodial interrogation of Thackeray was not necessary at this stage.Upholding the state government's contention that Kalyan sessions court's order granting anticipatory bail to MNS chief had become infructuous as he had already been arrested by the Railway police, the High Court quashed the lower court order granting interim protection to Thackeray. The matter pertains to assault by MNS workers on North Indian youths who had come to Kalyan for Railway recruitment examination on October 19 last year.