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| December 30, 2005 |
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|  What I won't do to my money in 2006 Most dutifully list down things they must do in the coming year. Here is someone who finds it easier to decide what not to do with her money.
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| December 29, 2005 |
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|  Stock picking is an art, not a science Fund manager J Venkatesan speaks on his stock picking strategy and what investors should be aware of at these high market levels.
How to save on tax Take a broad look at your investment and insurance needs before drawing up a comprehensive plan.
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| December 22, 2005 |
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|  Time to start your tax planning You don't have much time for the financial year to end. Put your head to it now.
Want to gift a card? It's a smart gift option when you want to give the recipient the flexibility of choosing his/ her own gift.
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| December 21, 2005 |
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|  No Form 16? Here's help Our tax expert guides on what can be done if your previous employer has still not handed it over to you.
Is this bull run over? Some say yes, others say no. But, should it really bother you?
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| December 19, 2005 |
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|  Are you a smart investor? Answer these three questions to find out. And, read the advice to get back on track if you are not.
How to save for your home Our investment planning expert advises a reader and comments on another's investing strategy.
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