'BJP's CRPF' harassing people in Bengal: Mamata
April 07, 2021  19:53
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday alleged that "BJP's CRPF" was harassing and killing people besides obstructing voters from entering polling stations in the state at the behest of Union Home Minister Amit Shah.
Addressing a rally in Cooch Behar's Baneswar, she accused a section of the central force of molesting women and beating people during the ongoing assembly elections.    

Launching a blistering attack on Shah, the TMC surpremo charged him with failing to protect lives of the security personnel in naxal ambush in Sukma and earlier in terrorists attack in Pulwama and instead seeking votes in other states for his party BJP.
Banerjee facing a stiff challenge from the saffron party in the ongoing Bengal elections appealed to the voters to ensure more than 200 seats for the TMC "or else the BJP will bribe the 'traitors' of my party to crossover to their side".
Polls are taking place for 294-member Bengal house.  

"The 'BJP's CRPF' is beating women, harassing and killing people. They are obstructing voters from entering polling booths and to cast their votes. Union Home Minister Amit Shah has instructed them to do so.
"I have never given such orders to the police being the home minister (of West Bengal)," Banerjee said at the rally.
Continuing with her tirade against the cental force, she said "I respect the CRPF. But, I do not have respect for those among them who are working at the behest of the BJP. The CRPF should not obstruct the public from casting their votes."
Referring to death of 22 security personnel in naxal attack in Chhattisgarh's Sukma-Bijapur three days back,she asked what steps have been taken for those who lost their lives?
She said that instead of doing anything for those killed in the attack, Shah was asking electors (in different states having elections) to vote for his party.
"You (Shah) failed to protect lives of your policemen in Pulwama and in Sukma. What has the government done for those killed in Sukna? On one side they are killing people and on another side you are asking voters to cast vote to your party...You should be ashamed of doing so," she said taking a swipe at the union home minister.
Claiming that more than 10 people have been killed in the state during the ongoing polls, Banerjee urged the Election Commission of India to ensure that the CRPF personnel play a responsible role and no such killing take place in the forthcoming five phases.
"More than 10 people have been murdered. This never happened during my time. We all want peaceful polling so that people can cast their vote.We want peaceful, free and fair elections.   

"The ECI is running the administration. Please see that nobody is murdered and I will also request you to please see that the CRPF, CISF, BSF or ITBP don't harass the people. Nobody is allowed to harass the people and women," she said. -- PTI
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