Karnataka: A sobering lesson for Messrs Shah and Modi
May 21, 2018  13:01
Anyone who likes a drink, or has been in the company of tipplers, knows only too well the different stages of inebriation that follow from every peg or pint imbibed. It begins with a sense of well-being that slowly turns into elation, and then comes the stage of over-confidence and feelings of invincibility. Finally, if one has had far too much or has become addicted to the stimulating brew, there is a loss of reason, an inability to think clearly.

Leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party - and certainly Messrs Narendra Modi and Amit Shah - are diehard teetotallers who would shudder at the very thought of loosening up with a drink after a hard day's work the way we lesser mortals do.  Read the full column here.
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