Internet's openness, dynamism at risk: WEF report
January 23, 2016  15:46
There has been a growing concern that the Internet may be in danger of splintering into a series of bordered cyberspace segments, according to a new report by the World Economic Forum.

In a session 'Keeping Worldwide in the Web', participants discussed challenges facing the open global Internet, which has become a key driver of global wealth creation, socio-cultural enrichment and human empowerment in recent decades.

The issues that dominated the discussion include emerging fragmentation of the Internet, along multiple lines, due to developments in technical, governmental and commercial realm. 

To help build a shared understanding about this global challenge, WEF's Global Challenge on the Future of the Internet initiative reached out to three leading experts -- William J Drake, Vinton Cerf, and Wolfgang Kleinwachter -- to produce a white paper.

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