Modi fans annoyed that PM attended a Christian function
February 17, 2015  14:58
Fans of Narendra Modi are not too happy that the PM attended a Christian function and spoke of tolerance, reports Right-wingers believe it will give credence to what they see as an anti-Modi spin.

His supporters, who have been insisting that minorities in the country are simply crying wolf to attack the Modi government aren't exactly pleased. In their minds, Modi has just given currency to those who believe that the narrative of violence against minorities is a made-up one simply to discredit the new government. And they have been vocal about this.

@voxindica tweets: Nothing wrong in PM attending or eulogizing the 'saints' but his remarks should not strengthen the impression churches were indeed attacked.

@shashi_sah: Modi wins-> Some theft in church.->NYT writes oped -> Obama Speech -> Protest before elections -> Modi Loses to church.

@siddhu_75 : For Advani becoming 'secular' we blamed @SudheenKulkarni , who do we blame bow for NaMo

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