'Star Wars: The Force Awakens': What critics are saying
December 17, 2015  02:39
You may have heard that the Force will be awakening on December 18. To provide an outlet for our excitement, we've assembled another Vulture Advent Calendar -- in this case, 25 Star Wars-themed stories, one per day until Christmas. None of them will involve midi-chlorians.

The home stretch is upon us, we've finally made it! After years and years of waiting patiently (and eagerly clinging to any developments and news we could get our hands on), Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be making its way into theaters across the country this Friday.

Critics screened the film earlier this week, and with the reviews rolling in, we've compiled a roundup of what they're saying -- and in an effort to be as spoiler-free as possible, we only included parts that don't specifically talk about the plot.

Read this article HERE
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