Venkaiah Naidu: NO sympathy for Ram Singh
March 11, 2013  16:23
BJP leader Venkaiah Naidu today said he has no sympathy for the gang-ape accused who allegedly committed suicide in Tihar Jail. "If he has committed suicide then I do not have any sympathy. But as the family (of accused) is alleging that it is a murder then it is a different case and inquiry will reveal it," Naidu said outside Parliament.

Ram Singh, one of the accused in the December 16 gang rape of a 23-year-old girl in Delhi, allegedly committed suicide in a high-security cell in Tihar Jail early this morning.

According to jail officials, 33-year-old Singh hanged himself with the help of his clothes from the grills of his cell in Jail No 3 at around 5 am.
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