What can Katie expect from Scientologists now?
July 05, 2012  15:10

The never-ending saga of the Tom-Katie split.


In the 1993 legal thriller The Firm, Tom Cruise plays a junior member of a prestigious Memphis law firm that's secretly steeped in corruption. After a midnight tryst on the beach during a weekend junket to the Cayman Islands, Cruise's character, Mitch, is confronted by Wilford Brimley at his most unctuous, playing the firm's enforcer, who shows him surveillance photos of his dalliance that could wreck his marriage.


That's just the kind of stuff the FBI could use for coercion, Mitch,' says the Brimley character. "So you watch yourself. I'll do my best to protect you, and I know you'll do your best to protect the firm.'


With a few key words changed, that's as succinct a description of Scientology and its powerful hold over its credulous practitioners as one could hope for. 



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