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'Indian models get homesick abroad'

Bombay, October 25, 2000. Mehr Jesia Rampal still makes heads turn when she walks in. Marriage has seemingly changed little in the former Miss India and India's top model in the mid to late 1980s. Heads did turn to see in flesh and blood the tall, amazingly beautiful lady, dressed casually, whose face in magazine ads launched a million sighs. And on the Chat, she saw a hundred posting, far too many to answer. Yet, professional to the core, she quickly grasped the nuances of an online Chat and replied to as many as she could with vigour and exuberance.

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:34 IST)
Hi! Happy Diwali

Ronjoy (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:31 IST)
hi meher, how's it going

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:39 IST)
Ronjoy, hi Happy Diwali. I am doing good. Looking forward to a long weekend.

AspiringModel (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:38 IST)
Hello Meher, I am delighted to speak to you !! I am an aspiring model , can you suggest me the best way to limelight ?

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:42 IST)
Aspiring Model, the best way is to love and enjoy every minute of your work.

aria (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:39 IST)
mehr..why did u marry arjun rampal...he is such a dumb looking guy!

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:43 IST)
aria, Get Lost for Good!!!

lonedreamr (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:40 IST)
Hi. did u really groom Vidisha Pawte?

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:45 IST)
lonedreamer, I didn't do anything extra for Vidisha that I did not do for anyone else. Its just that Vidisha wanted to be a good model really bad and that is what has paid off.

Passah (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:42 IST)
Hi MEHR what is the reason that Indian models have been unable to make it bigtime on the international circuit despite being crowned titles of Ms Universe and World?

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:49 IST)
Passah, I think we can blame it on our upbringing. Women in India are more family oriented and leaving our families for a very long time made me and all my fellow model friends homesick and hence we returned only to be happier people today.

Shahezadi (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:45 IST)
How come you didn't take up acting as a career?

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:53 IST)
Shahezadi, I guess I became too old by the time they started making sensible films!

ashish (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:53 IST)
compared to international mature do you think the Indian fashion industry is?

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:57 IST)
Ashish, Our designers are as good or better, the only thing lacking are good financers to invest in their work and have them supply to a wider nexus of consumers. That is one of the strongest advantages the international designers have over us.

rupali (Wed Oct 25 2000 3:55 IST)
Meher, how do you think the internet is going to contribute to the modelling/fashion industry?

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:1 IST)
Rupali, any technology that gives detailed information is always a bonus. where else can you find so much information on one particular subject than on the Internet. Rupali, please do get on to to find out more about our fashion and glamour world.

ashish (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:0 IST)
if that is so, Meher, why dont VC's, put in money in the fashion industry in India? Is the market not large enough?

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:7 IST)
ashish, in our country people are still not investing in the film world so I guess it will take some time for them to invest in fashion which is a far younger industry.

Natasha (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:0 IST)
Meher, I wish to take up ramp modelling as a career, what si the most imporant criteria to take it up as a fulltime profession?

Natasha (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:2 IST)
Meher I am still waiting to be enlightened about ramp modelling!!!!!!!!!!

Natasha (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:3 IST)
Meher please reply soon!

Natasha (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:6 IST)
Meher am I ever going to get the correct guidance?

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:10 IST)
Natasha, if you honestly believe you can be a model then please invest in a good portfolio with a good makeup artist and photographer which should cost you in Bombay at least between Rs 15,000-20,000. Remember a good portfolio is like a visa into the modelling world.

Natasha (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:11 IST)
Meher you have made my day, thanks a tonne for that info.

Lehar Messiah (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:6 IST)
So you too, Mehr, the supermodel, fell to the trap of tradition and adopted your hubby's name for your surname? WHY? Why can't you remain just Mehr Jesia? *Mehr Jesia Ramphal* sux, I say.

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:11 IST)
Lehar Messiah, naturally it does when you dont know how to spell. It's Mehr Rampal. period.

En Cee (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:9 IST)
Hello Meher, never thought i could get to speak to you ( even though it is in the cyber way ) . Just wanted to say that of all the indian models past or present you were the best. I could be biased because for as long as i can remember during my school and graduation I was deeply madly in love with you :-)) Best of luck to you in whatever you do. And cheers to the indian supermodel (one wonders why you never took up that offer to become one)

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:15 IST)
En Cee, That is very sweet of you. For my work to be appreciated even today, I cannot ask for a better compliment.

leonard (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:12 IST)
Hi Meher.. Do you think the current trend in the Western world with respect to Indian costumes is there to stay or is it just another passing phase.? Well my American cousin from New York who was on a vacation to India has just bought 20 sarees for her sister and American friends to wear for work

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:17 IST)
Leonard, well I think that fashion is never meant to be permanent but Indian fashion will always influence the Western world in some form because its so different from theirs.

Rakhi (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:6 IST)
Hey Meher, when you wear the clothes that otherwise you would not wear it in the open on the ramp, how do you handle it, buddy?

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:20 IST)
Rakhi, Fashion Shows will always be 30% reality and 70% fantasy. Its the way designers express their creativity. The true buyers will always be at the store the next day to appreciate the collection for what it is.

lordofthering (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:19 IST)
where can i get good beauty tips in the net?

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:23 IST)
lordofthering, log on to for all the beauty tips you want to know!

Mehr Jesia Rampal (Wed Oct 25 2000 4:26 IST)
Bye and have a great Diwali. Gamble a little but not too much. and party loads.

