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Canada's court upholds no-fly list for Sikh separatists
June 21, 2024

Canada's Federal Court of Appeal has dismissed the appeal of two alleged Khalistan supporters who sought to be taken off from a no-fly list they were placed on in 2018. 

Bhagat Singh Brar and Parvkar Singh Dulai, also known as Parry Dullai had sought removal from Canada's no-fly list after being barred from boarding flights in Vancouver in 2018, the Globe and Mail reported. 

The court noted that, based on confidential security information, there were reasonable grounds to suspect that the two men intended to travel by air to commit terrorism offences. 

The Canada based publication reported that this week's ruling confirmed the previous decision by a lower court, upholding the constitutionality of the country's Secure Air Travel Act. 

This legislation grants the public safety minister authority to prohibit individuals from flying if there are "reasonable grounds to suspect they will threaten transportation security or travel by air to commit a terrorism offence." 

Brar and Dulai argued that their inclusion on the no-fly list infringed on their Charter rights. -- ANI
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