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Mother of two ends life in Noida after husband disallows Instagram
June 11, 2024

A woman -- mother of two children -- allegedly died by suicide in Noida on Monday after her husband asked her not to use Instagram, the police said. 

The family lives in Sadarpur colony under Sector 39 police station limits of Noida, they said. 

"On Monday, the woman had an argument with her husband over using Instagram. A little later after their argument, the woman committed suicide by hanging herself from a fan in a room of the house," a police spokesperson said. 

A team from the local police station reached the spot after being alerted about the incident and inspected the site, the spokesperson said. 

The couple had been married for nine years now with two children, according to an official. 

The body was sent for post-mortem and further legal proceedings were being carried out, the police said. -- PTI
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