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Families of 3 youths killed in 'encounter' by Assam police seek probe
July 20, 2024

The families of the three youths, who were killed in an alleged encounter by the Assam Police, on Friday filed a police complaint demanding a probe into the circumstances leading to their deaths.

Lalthavel Hmar, Lalremsang Hmar and Lalchunghnung Hmar, the relatives of the three youths, filed a complaint at Lakhipur police station in Cachar district.

The police said they have received the complaint but are yet to register a case.

On July 17, three suspected Hmar militants were killed and three police personnel were injured in a fierce gunfight in Cachar, senior police officials had said.

Two of these suspected militants were locals and one was from Chrachandpur in Manipur.

The police complaint requested a thorough investigation as the statement given by the Cachar's SP Numal Mahatta "doesn't add up at all".                 

Based on the short video footage covered by one unknown state police personal, it was clearly recorded how Lalbiekkung Hmar, Joshua Hmar, Lallungawi Hmar were apprehended from the auto-rickshaw without kevlar & helmet and were also unarmed. -- PTI
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