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Bharti Enterprises chief Sunil Bharti Mittal knighted by King Charles III
February 28, 2024

Bharti Enterprises Founder and Chairman Sunil Bharti Mittal on Wednesday became the first Indian citizen to be conferred an honorary Knighthood by Britain's King Charles III "for services to UK and India business relations'. 

In a list of honorary British awards unveiled by the UK Cabinet Office, Mittal receives a KBE under the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire -- one of the highest honours conferred by a British monarch. 

The 66-year-old entrepreneur said in a statement that he was "deeply humbled' by the gracious recognition from King Charles. 

"The UK and India have historical relations, which are now entering a new era of increased cooperation and collaboration. I remain committed to working towards strengthening the economic and bilateral trade relationships between our two great nations," Mittal said. 

"I am thankful to the government of the UK, whose support and keen attention to the needs of business has been critical in making the country an attractive investment destination," he said. 

The KBE, conferred for a pre-eminent contribution in any field of activity, is awarded in an honorary capacity to foreign nationals. 

While the Knighthood conferred on UK nationals gives them the title of Sir or Dame, non-UK nationals awarded the honour add KBE (or DBE for women) after their name. -- PTI
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