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Bail to 3 who 'escaped' to India on boat from Kuwait
February 17, 2024

A court in Mumbai on Saturday granted bail to three men arrested by the city police earlier this month for allegedly entering India unlawfully on a boat from Kuwait. 

As no incriminating "angle" was found in the case except that they allegedly fled with a fishing boat without the permission of its owner, it would not be just to keep them behind bars, said additional chief metropolitan magistrate (Esplanade court) Pravin Modi. 

Accused Nitso Ditto (31), Vijay Vinay Anthony (29) and J Sahayatta Anish (29) contended that they were fishermen from Tamil Nadu who had gone to Kuwait for jobs, but had to escape as they were ill-treated by their employer. 

They were tortured, assaulted with rods and other weapons, and the employer took away their passports, said their bail applications filed through advocate Sunil Pandey. 

Mumbai police arrested them on February 7 for no reason when they reached the city's coast, they claimed. 

The police opposed the bail applications, stating that information about their actions while in Kuwait was yet to be received from the embassy of that country. 

"If they are enlarged on bail, there is a possibility that they may abscond," the police said in their reply, adding that the accused entered the Indian waters in an unauthorized manner without valid travel documents and passports which could be "dangerous to the sovereignty, integrity and national security of the country." -- PTI
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