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Imran Khan's party calls for nationwide protests
February 11, 2024

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan called for peaceful protests across the nation against Returning Officers (ROs) on Sunday, Pakistan-based The Express Tribune reported.

He said that the people of Pakistan had complete trust in former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's vision of 'slavery unacceptable' in the aftermath of the February 8 polls.

He noted that despite the challenges faced on February 8, the people have showcased a clear and transparent mandate in favour of the PTI.

He accused the ROs of 'attempting to usurp their mandate once again'.

He condemned these 'unacceptable attempts to undermine democracy through tampering with election results'.

Gohar Ali Khan warned that any such action would be detrimental to Pakistan and unacceptable to the people, 'who will not tolerate any violation of their voting rights'.

He highlighted the importance of making use of 'constitutional, democratic, and political rights for the fundamental purpose of protecting the people's mandate', The Express Tribune reported.

The PTI chairman asserted that gaining a clear majority in the Centre, Punjab, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was the 'constitutional and democratic right of the PTI', according to The Express Tribune report.

He stated that 'preserving complete respect for the people's mandate is in the best interest of Pakistan and should be maintained under all circumstances'.  -- ANI
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