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Techie loses Rs 2.24 cr to cyber fraudsters posing as Customs, NCB officials
April 11, 2024

A 52-year-old software engineer has lost Rs 2.24 crore to the cyber fraudsters who swindled him by posing as Delhi Customs and Narcotics Control Bureau officials, the police said on Thursday. 

This incident comes close on the heels of a 29-year-old woman lawyer from Bengaluru losing Rs 14.57 lakh who ended up stripping on Skype video conference before the fraudsters. 

The mode of operation adopted by the fraudsters to dupe Kumarasamy Sivakkumar from Jakkur was similar to the one faced by the woman lawyer. 

The swindlers called the software engineer between March 18 to March 27 saying that they were from Customs Department and that an air parcel from Delhi to Malaysia in his name has been held back at Delhi Airport since it carried 16 passports, 58 bank ATM cards, and 140 gram Ecstasy drug tablets (also known as MDMA, a banned narcotic), police said. 

The call was then supposedly transferred to the 'Narcotics Control Bureau' where the 'officer' forced him to download Skype, come online, the police said, adding that later, the fraudsters told him that if he wanted to get rid of the case then he should transfer them money. -- PTI
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