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Pak Hindus cane-charged at stir against abductions
September 07, 2023

Several members of Pakistan's Hindu community and other faiths were injured on Thursday after the police in Sindh province baton charged them as they held a sit-in against the increasing cases of kidnappings of Hindu traders and others from minority communities for ransom. 

The members of the minority communities have been staging the protest since September 1 over the abduction of some members of the minority community by bandits in riverine areas in southern Sindh province's Kashmore. 

On Thursday, while the protesters continued with their agitation, the police baton charged and injured some of them after they refused to end the protest despite the intervention of an influential leader of the Pakistan Peoples Party that has governed the Sindh province for over a decade. 

"Ahsan Mazari, a former minister and influential leader of the PPP joined the protesters initially to express solidarity with them and even got two kidnapped Hindu traders released from the grip of these riverine dacoits," Shiva Kacchi said on the telephone. 

He said that after the release of the two abductees, Mazari had asked the protesters to disperse and assured them the authorities would now handle the matter and get others released. 

"But when those part of the protest flatly refused, insisting they had no confidence in the local police officials Mazari left and after a while the police baton charged the protesters. But despite the injuries they are still there in small numbers at the sit-in," Kacchi said. -- PTI
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