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Several parts of Panaji flooded as rains lash city
June 28, 2023

Several parts of Panaji, Goa's capital city, were flooded on Tuesday night due to incessant rains. 

The low-lying 18th June Road and Mala area were among the areas where severe waterlogging was reported, said a senior official of the Corporation of City of Panaji. 

CCP workers were seen clearing drains blocked with garbage at night. 

The incessant rains and blocked drains led to inundation, said the official. 

Property was damaged at a few places but the situation would become clear only in the morning, he said. 

Water gushed into several shops along the 18th June Road, one of the main commercial streets in the city. 

Goa has been receiving rains since last weekend. -- PTI
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