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Baby elephant dead two weeks after being abandoned by its herd in Kerala
June 28, 2023

A baby elephant that was abandoned by its herd, including its mother, in Kerala's Attapadi forest range nearly two weeks ago, died on Tuesday night. 

A forest officer on Wednesday said the exact cause of death of the one-year-old calf was not known yet as the report of the post mortem examination completed by afternoon would take time to be available. 

However, veterinary doctors who were taking care of the calf for the past two weeks are of the view that it was suffering from some sort of infection, which may have resulted in the tragic outcome, the officer said. 

"The calf was under our care. Day before yesterday it was fine. Thereafter, it showed some weakness and we took it for treatment. After that it appeared to be fine. But on Tuesday afternoon, it again showed signs of weakness. All possible treatment was given to it, but it died," he said. 

"It probably had problems since birth, which may have been the reason for it being abandoned by its herd," he added. -- PTI
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