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Sidda gets moving on roll out of five guarantees
June 02, 2023

Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Friday held a meeting of senior officers of the State government to take a decision on implementing the five guarantees promised by the ruling Congress ahead of the Assembly elections.

The Chief Minister held a meeting with the senior officers before the state Cabinet meeting. The cabinet is expected to take a decision on the five promises made by the state government.

The five 'main' guarantees promised by the party in its poll manifesto are -- 200 units of free power to all households (Gruha Jyoti); Rs 2,000 monthly assistance to the woman head of every family (Gruha Lakshmi); 10 kg of rice free to every member of a BPL household (Anna Bhagya); Rs 3,000 every month for unemployed graduate youth and Rs 1,500 for unemployed diploma holders (both in the age group of 18-25) for two years (Yuva Nidhi) and free travel for women in public transport buses (Uchita Prayana).

The members of Karnataka State Contractors Association who made the '40 per cent corruption' allegations against the previous BJP government in the state, also met CM Siddaramaiah in Bengaluru, under the leadership of the Association's president D Kempanna.

Notably, "40 per cent corruption" was one of the striking issues in the recently held assembly polls which many experts believe dented BJP's campaign.

The Congress Cabinet in the State touched its full strength of 34 on May 27 after the induction of 24 more ministers in the cabinet.
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