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Gurugram parents strangle girl in honour killing
August 19, 2023

In a suspected case of honour killing, a 22-year-old woman was allegedly strangled to death by her parents and brother in Gurugram for marrying a man from another caste against the family's wishes, the police said on Friday. 

According to the police, the trio were arrested from their village in Jhajjar district on Friday and sent to two-day police remand. 

The woman was identified as Anjali, a resident of Surheti village. 

She married Sandeep, who hails from the same village and works at a pub here, in December last year. 

They were living in a rented flat in Sector 102. 

According to a complaint lodged by Sandeep, Anjali was killed by her parents and brother on Thursday when he had gone out of home and her body was cremated in their native village in a bid to destroy evidence. 

Around 1 pm on Thursday, one of Sandeep's companions called him and told him that his wife Anjali had died and her family members were performing her last rites in village Surheti. 

"After getting information when I reached the flat, I found the flat locked. My wife Anjali was murdered by her father, mother, brother and her brother's wife and her body was burnt," he said in his complaint. 

Following the complaint, an FIR was registered against all four accused under Sections 302 (murder), 201 (hiding evidence), 34 (common intention) of the IPC at Rajendra park police station on Thursday evening. 

Anjali's father Kuldeep (44), mother Rinki (42) and brother Kunal (20) were arrested on Friday, the police said. -- PTI
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