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Death toll surges to 89 in Maui Hawaii wildfires
August 13, 2023

The death toll from Hawaii's Maui wildfires surged to 89 as the search teams sifted through the smoking blazes of Lahaina town in the US, according to a CNN report. 

At least 89 people have died in the fires as of Saturday night, Gov Josh Green said, and the death toll is expected to increase, said the report. 

The fire is now the deadliest US wildfire in more than 100 years, according to research from the National Fire Protection Association. 

The officials are determined to find out how the inferno spread so rapidly through the historic resort area with so little warning, reported Al Jazeera.         
Hawaii's Attorney-General on Friday said that she will conduct a probe into how the authorities responded and acted to the deadly wildfires that have taken the lives of at least 80 people and have left 1,418 people at emergency evacuation shelters.         

The office of Attorney-General Anne Lopez said in a statement, "The Department of the Attorney-General will be conducting a comprehensive review of critical decision-making and standing policies leading up to, during, and after the wildfires on Maui and Hawaii islands this week." -- ANI
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