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Cong compares Antony's son joining BJP to Judas
April 06, 2023

The Congress here came down heavily on Anil K Antony for joining the BJP, accusing him of "betraying his father and veteran party leader A K Antony on "Maundy Thursday". 

 KPCC chief K Sudhakaran said Anil had not been given any party responsibilities and that his joining the BJP was not a matter of concern for the Congress. 

 "Today (Maundy Thursday) is the day of Judas (Iscariot) who betrayed Jesus Christ for a payment of 30 silver coins. Many such things will happen on that day. This (Anil joining BJP) should also be seen as such an incident," Sudhakaran told reporters.

Reacting sharply, the KPCC chief said it was Anil's "present to his father" on Maundy Thursday. 

Soon after joining the BJP, Anil Antony said, "Many of the Congress leaders believe that their duty is to work for a particular family, but I believe that my duty is to work for the people. PM Modi has a clear vision to make India a developed country in the next 25 years." 

 According to the Bible, one of Christ's twelve disciples, Judas Iscariot, made an agreement with the authorities to betray Jesus in exchange for 30 pieces of silver, on a Wednesday, which came to be known as Holy Wednesday. 

On the next day, which came to be known as Maundy Thursday, signifying the Last Supper of Christ, when Jesus joined his disciples after a prayer, Judas kissed him on the cheek to help authorities identify him. 

Following Judas's betrayal, they took Jesus away and later crucified him on a Friday, which came to be known as Good Friday among Christians. PTI
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