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Air India hires more than 3,800 staff in six months
April 06, 2023

Air India on Thursday said it onboarded more than 3,800 staff across crew and other functions, and rolled out more than 29 new policies for employees in the last six months as part of the initiatives under its five-year transformation plan.

 Loss-making Air India, which is being piloted by the Tata Group since January last year, is putting in USD 200 million in information technology systems and is also committed to investing USD 400 million to completely refurbish existing aircraft. 

 It has also placed orders for 470 planes. 'Taxi', the first phase of the transformation plan Vihaan.AI, that focussed on "addressing legacy issues of the airline at scale and laying the foundation for future growth" has concluded, the airline said and added that now the second phase 'Take Off', -- that will focus on developing the platforms, processes and systems needed to build toward excellence -- has commenced. 

 Air India CEO and MD Campbell Wilson said the first six months of the transformation journey has made great strides in tackling many issues that had built up over the years and the airline has come a long way in establishing foundations for growth.
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