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Queen's coffin set for final journey to Westminster
September 14, 2022

The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II will make its final journey from Buckingham Palace in London on Wednesday, to be conveyed in procession to Westminster Hall in the Houses of Parliament complex for Lying-in-State until the state funeral at Westminster Abbey nearby on Monday. 

At 2.22 pm local time, the coffin will be placed on a gun carriage of the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery for a ceremonial procession of under two kilometres to the Palace of Westminster. 

 King Charles III and his sons, Princes William and Harry, will walk behind the coffin, with gun salutes firing from Hyde Park and Big Ben tolling during a sombre journey. 

 The Archbishop of Canterbury, Most Reverend Justin Welby, will conduct a short service assisted by the Very Revd Dr David Hoyle, the Dean of Westminster. 

 This ceremony will be joined by other members of the royal family as well before the coffin is placed on a catafalque, or raised platform.

 As the Lying-in-State stage of the ceremony begins, a continuous vigil will be mounted by officers of the Household Division, the King's Bodyguards of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms, The King's Bodyguard for Scotland, the Royal Company of Archers and the Yeomen of the Guard.

 Westminster Hall will then open from 5 pm  local time to the many thousands queuing since Monday evening to begin filing past the coffin to pay their respects to the late monarch. -- PTI
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