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Heavy rain floods MGM hospital in Jamshedpur, burn care unit waterlogged
September 14, 2022

Medical service in MGM Medical College and Hospital in Jamshedpur came to a halt as heavy rains that lashed Jamshedpur city on Tuesday caused waterlogging at the hospital premises, especially the burn care unit. 

The waterlogging forced the patients and their attendants to remain confined to their beds for a long time. 

Jamshedpur has been undergoing cyclonic rains for the last two days. 

This has resulted in waterlogging, and the water also flooded the premises of MGM Medical College and Hospital on Tuesday. 

The patients and their relatives were forced to drain out water from the hospital ward using buckets and containers. 

One of the relatives of one of the patients told ANI, "The hospitals should not have such poor conditions, there should be proper drainage facilities in the hospital." 

"We just hope that the water is removed soon, or else it might lead to infections," said another relative. -- ANI
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