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Delhi reports 564 new Covid cases, 1 death; positivity rate at 2.84%
June 08, 2022

Delhi recorded 564 new COVID cases, the highest since May 15, and one more fatality on Wednesday, while the positivity rate rose to 2.84 per cent, according to data shared by the health department in Delhi. 

With this, the national capital's COVID-19 case tally increased to 19,09,991, while the death toll rose to 26,214. 

The fresh cases emerged out of 19,876 COVID-19 tests conducted in Delhi the previous day, the department said in its latest bulletin. 

Wednesday's cases are highest since May 15 when Delhi logged 613 COVID cases with a positivity rate of 2.74 per cent and three deaths.

On Tuesday, the national capital logged 450 fresh COVID cases and one more death, while the positivity rate stood at 1.92 per cent. 

Delhi on Monday logged 247 fresh COVID-19 cases with a positivity rate of 3.47 per cent while no new death was reported due to the viral disease. 

On Sunday, Delhi reported 343 COVID-19 cases with a positivity rate of 1.91 per cent while no new death had occurred due to the viral disease. 

On Saturday, the capital logged 405 fresh COVID-19 cases with a positivity rate of 2.07 per cent while no death was reported. 

The number of daily COVID cases in Delhi had touched the record high of 28,867 on January 13 this year during the third wave of the pandemic. 

The city had recorded a positivity rate of 30.6 per cent on January 14, the highest during the third wave of the pandemic. -- PTI
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