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Pelosi meets S Korea leaders, omits Taiwan talks
August 04, 2022

After her trip to Taiwan, US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met South Korean political leaders in Seoul on Thursday but avoided making direct public comments on cross-Strait relations that could have further increased regional tensions. 

 Pelosi, the first incumbent House speaker to visit Taiwan in 25 years, said Wednesday in Taipei that the American commitment to democracy on the self-governing island and elsewhere remains ironclad. 

In response, China on Thursday began military exercises, including missile strike training in six zones surrounding Taiwan, in what could be the biggest of their kind since the mid-1990s. 

 After visiting Taiwan, Pelosi and other members of Congress flew to South Korea a key U.S. ally where about 28,500 American troops are deployed on Wednesday evening, as part of an Asian tour that included stops in Singapore and Malaysia.

She met South Korean National Assembly Speaker Kim Jin Pyo and other senior members of Parliament on Thursday. After that hour-long meeting, Pelosi spoke about the bilateral alliance, forged in blood during the 1950-53 Korean War, and legislative efforts to support a push to boost ties but didn't directly mention her Taiwan visit or the Chinese protests.
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