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Nancy Pelosi leaves Malaysia, heading to Taiwan?
August 02, 2022

China is on alert as US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi departed Malaysia on Tuesday and may head to Taiwan ignoring its warnings of a resolute response if she visited the self-ruled island, which Beijing claims as its own territory.

Travelling by US Air Force jet, Pelosi on a tour of Asia, left Malaysia and was expected to land at the Taiwanese capital Taipei around 2220 hrs local time, according to Taiwanese media reports.

It is not clear if Pelosi or her delegation were on the plane. 

It is widely expected that Pelosi will visit Taiwan and meet President Tsai Ing-wen on Wednesday, defying Beijing's repeated warnings, Hong Kong-based-South China Morning Post reported on Tuesday.

In quandary over stopping her visit, China continued to issue stern warnings to deter the 82-year-old top Democratic Party leader from going to Taipei, while official media here reported that tension escalated hours ahead of Pelosi's potential Taiwan visit as the People's Liberation Army remains fully prepared for any crisis.

While issuing a stern warning, China is yet to divulge its plans to retaliate against her visit.Beijing routinely protests any foreign dignitaries' visits to Taiwan, which claims its own and firmly insists all countries follow the One China policy acknowledging that the breakaway province is part of its mainland.
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