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Don't let likely monkeypox cases fly: India to UAE
August 02, 2022

The Union health ministry has written to the WHO representative in the UAE to ensure that air passengers exhibiting symptoms suggestive of monkeypox disease are not allowed to board flights to minimise the risk of disease transmission. 

Referring to three cases in which the passengers had come to India from the UAE, joint secretary in the Union health ministry Lav Agarwal in a letter to executive director and IHR Focal Point, United Arab Emirates, Dr Hussain Abdul Rahman Ali Rand, said they were already exhibiting symptoms suggestive of monkeypox disease before arrival in India. 

Under Article 18 of International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005, the World Health Organization recommends member states to undertake exit screening measures at points of entry and if required impose restrictions on persons from affected areas in response to a public health emergency of international concern, he mentioned in the communication dated August 1. 

"In view of the above, it is requested that exit screening of may be further intensified so as to ensure that persons exhibiting symptoms suggestive of monkeypox disease are not allowed to board the flight to minimise the risk of disease transmission," Agarwal said in the letter, copies of which were sent to WHO representative to India, joint secretary (Gulf), ministry of external affairs, and joint secretary (U) in the ministry of civil Aviation. 

India has reported eight cases of monkeypox, which includes one death, so far.
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