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Is PK piqued with Cong? This is what he tweeted
October 08, 2021

Has poll strategist Prashant Kishor parted ways with the Congress party. 

This morning Kishor tweeted, "People looking for a quick, spontaneous revival of GOP led opposition based on #LakhimpurKheri incident are setting themselves up for a big disappoinment. Unfortunately there are no quick fix solutions to the deep-rooted problems and structural weakness of GOP."

Any decision on poll strategist Prashant Kishors induction to the Congress has seemingly been put on hold following reservations by senior party leaders  and feedback that his lateral entry at a senior position can bring discontent in the party ahead of Assembly elections early next year.

Following meetings with Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, there were reports that Kishor is expected to join in a top opposition to revamp the party. 
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