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Delhi lockdown extended by another week
May 09, 2021

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today extended the lockdown by another week. "The lockdown will be stricter this time", Kejriwal said.

Kejriwal said the extension is meant to ensure that the city does not let its guard down. "The positivity rate has gone down but still we can't afford leniency. We need to extend to lockdown," Kejriwal said.

The positivity rate has dropped from 35 per cent to 23 per cent, but doctors say even this is very high.

"During the lockdown we utilised the time to enhance our healthcare infrastructure. The main issue in Delhi was oxygen shortage. With Centre's help, the condition is better now," he added.

This would be the fourth week of the lockdown imposed as the Covid numbers in the national capital skyrocketed, bringing the hospitals to their knees and pushing patients and doctors to look to social media for help amid a huge crisis of oxygen, beds and drugs.

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