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36 cr Indians to get Sputnik V jabs by Mar 2022
May 09, 2021

India will approximately get 361 million doses of Russia's COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V's by the end of March 2022 which can be innocualte an estimated 36 crore Indians, officials coordinating the entire vaccine measure in the country claimed. 

On May 1, India received the first consignment of 1.5 million doses of the vaccine, and the second consignment of the same number of doses will reach India soon.

India will get 18 million ready-made Sputnik V doses -- 3 million in May, 5 million in June, 10 million in July. Russian direct investment fund which is the Russian sovereign wealth fund that has funded the vaccine has signed pacts with 5 Indian companies to produced 850 million doses.

The doses will not only be produced in India but also, exported to third country. Between June 2020 to March 2021, around 238 million doses will be produced in the country. India also expected to get 11 million doses in form of fill and finish.

Sputnik V vaccine is the third vaccine after Covishield and Covaxin that Indian regulatory authorities have given approval to. More than 60 countries have given approval to Sputnik V and as of May 5, more than 20 million people globally have received the first injection of the Sputnik V vaccine. Interestingly, a combination of vaccines like Sputnik and Astrazeneca for use is being talked about. 
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