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Delhi BJP office land given at throwaway price: AAP
February 12, 2021

The Aam Aadmi Party claimed on Thursday that the Centre had sanctioned more than 2 acres of posh land at just Rs 2 crore to the Delhi BJP to build its office, a charge rejected by the saffron party as baseless.
AAP leader Saurabh Bharadwaj claimed the land at the Deendayal Upadhyaya Marg was not for building any political party office, but a school.
"At one side, the BJP government harasses the ruling party of Delhi and try to evict them from their party office. On the other side, it provides land to the BJP at negligible prices," the legislator said at a press conference in New Delhi.
Bharadwaj demanded that the Delhi BJP must disclose how could they get 10,000 square yards of land in "just Rs 2 crores". "Here, no one can buy 2 yards of land with this money!" he said.
"On behalf of the Aam Aadmi Party, I want to ask the BJP whether it is true that this land was sanctioned to build schools or not," he said.
The Delhi BJP said the AAP was describing the land as a 10,000 sq yard though it was only 809 sq metres and the amount was deposited in 2001 at the prevailing rates. It said the ruling party was showing the amount in today's time, which was a "total lie".
Bharadwaj added that the Centre had asked AAP to pay crores of rupees as rent for the party office, alleging that the BJP government "had also tried to evict us from this office repeatedly".
"The BJP should come clean and tell us whether they have any shame or not to own such a party office despite having such a negligible number of assembly seats in Delhi," he added.
Reacting to it, BJP general secretary Kuljeet Singh Chahal said: "On the contrary, it is the AAP which has constructed its office on government land."
Neither the AAP has the land allotted for this, nor deposited any amount in this regard, Chalal alleged.
He said the government policy was that all political parties should be allotted land in Delhi and it had applied accordingly for land for its office in 2001.
The party then moved the Delhi High Court for getting this piece of land and it was on May 12, 2010, that the land was allotted to us, Chalal said, adding the BJP really had to work very hard for this.
He accused Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal of running a government like "land-grabbers" who cared neither for the Constitution nor courts.
"In order to do his own politics, Kejriwal does not even have respect for the national flag," he alleged. -- PTI 
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