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India advisory for Myanmar: Avoid travel
February 02, 2021

In view of a military coup in Myanmar, Indian Embassy in Yangon issued a notification on Tuesday, urging Indian citizens to take precautions and avoid unnecessary travel.

"In view of the recent developments, all Indians Citizens are required to take due precautions and avoid unnecessary travel. They may get in touch with the Embassy if required," the notice read. 

This comes as State Counselor Aung Suu Kyi along with other top politicians were detained in the early hours of Monday, with Myanmar's military declaring a one-year state of emergency after weeks of escalating tensions over allegations of vote-rigging in the November election. 

The detentions and the seizure of power took place hours before the opening session of Myanmar's new Parliament.

In another notification, the Indian Embassy informed about the rescheduling of Air India Flight (AI 1233) to February 11, which was earlier slated for February 4.
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