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Parliament passes bill to extend tenure of CBI director to maximum 5 years
December 14, 2021

Parliament has passed a bill to extend the tenure of the director of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to a maximum of five years from the present two years. 

 Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh moved 'The Delhi Special Police Establishment (Amendment) Bill, 2021' for consideration in Rajya Sabha on Tuesday amidst a walkout by the opposition over the suspension of their 12 members. 

 The bill was later passed in the Upper House by a voice vote. 

 Lok Sabha had already cleared the bill on December 3, 2021. 

 While moving the Bill, Singh said the government is working to check corruption and to ensure and enhance transparency. In recent years, he said, the nation is faced with the triple menace of corruption, black money and international crime that is linked to drug trafficking, terrorism and criminal offences and all these are a threat to the security and financial structure of the country.
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