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Afghanistan VP: We're too big for Pak to swallow
August 19, 2021

Amrullah Saleh, Afghanistan's vice president since February last year, said today that nations must respect the rule of law and not violence. Hitting out at neighbouring Pakistan for its support to the Taliban which has taken over Afghanistan, Saleh said, "Afghanistan is too big for Pakistan to swallow and too big for Talibs to govern. Don't let your histories have a chapter on humiliation and bowing to terror groups."

Pakistan's political and military leadership vehemently denies supporting the Taliban. Nonetheless, the Taliban have found refuge in Pakistan for over two decades. 

Saleh had cited the Afghanistan Constitution to declare himself the de factor head of the Islamic republic after President Ashraf Ghani fled on Tuesday to an undeclared destination.

A follower of the slain Northern Alliance leader Ahmad Shah Massoud, Saleh has said he will "never be under one ceiling with Taliban." The vice president has for years been critical of Pakistan, and in recent tweets has denounced 'Pak backed oppression & brutal dictatorship'.
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