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White House to decide on Trump's Sabarmati visit
February 21, 2020

The White House will decide if United States President Donald Trump will visit the Sabarmati Ashram during his day-long trip to the city on February 24, Gujarat chief Minister Vijay Rupani said on Friday.

Rupani's statement came in the backdrop of speculation in the last two days that the US president will not visit the Sabarmati Ashram, a place closely associated with Mahatma Gandhi.

Earlier it was announced that after landing at the airport in Ahmedabad on February 24, Trump will go to the Sabarmati Ashram and spend around 30 minutes there.

All preparations are in final stages for the visit of US President Donald Trump.

He will directly come to Ahmedabad from Washington.

"After that a grand roadshow will be organised.

"Then he will go to the Motera stadium for 'Namaste Trump' programme where two top leaders of the world (Trump and Prime Minister Narendra Modi) will be present," Rupani told reporters.

Asked about Trump's visit to the Sabarmati Ashram, Rupani said, The White House will decide about it and we will be informed soon.  -- PTI
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