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PM discussed vaccine distribution with UK
December 16, 2020

Experts from India and the United Kingdom will collaborate via a new virtual hub to distribute vaccines for Covid-19 and other deadly viruses, the visiting foreign secretary of the United Kingdom Dominic Raab said on Wednesday.

Raab called on Prime Minister Modi today to discuss India and the UK working together for good and launching the pioneering new vaccines hub, which will share the best practices for regulation and clinical trials, and further foster innovation, according to a press statement from the British High Commission in India.

The new hub will enable British and Indian experts to share knowledge on clinical trials and regulatory approvals and get vaccines to people who need them most in a safe, secure and energy-efficient way, and will protect the UK and India by enhancing cooperation on the development and distribution of Covid-19 vaccines.

"This Serum Institute and Oxford University partnership demonstrates the UK-India relationship at its best: a vaccine developed in the UK and made in India; drawing our brightest minds together to save lives as a global force for good," he said.

The Pune based Serum Institute of India (SII) is poised to make over a billion doses of the Covid-19 vaccine developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca, which can be stored in normal refrigerator temperatures, making it easier and cheaper to produce, store and distribute around the world. 

Millions of doses made by SII will be distributed to the world's poorest people through the global COVAX initiative, in partnership with World Health Organization (WHO) and Gavi, the vaccine alliance.
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