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Kerala Cong candidate loses by 1 vote to BJP
December 16, 2020

Congress mayoral candidate N Venugopal, has lost to the BJP candidate by one vote, in the Kochi Corporation North Island ward, in the state's 2020 local body elections. "It was a sure seat. I can't say what happened. There was no problem in the party. There was a problem with the voting machine. That may be the reason for BJP's victory. I've not decided to go to court with voting machine issue so far. Will check what happened exactly," he says.

Counting of votes polled in the crucial local body elections began on Wednesday morning with the traditional political fronts-CPI (M)-led LDF, Congress-headed UDF and BJP-NDA- keeping their fingers crossed as its result is generally seen as pointer to the upcoming Assembly election. 

A total of 21,893 wards in 1,200 local self-governing bodies including 6 corporations, 941 village panchayats, 14 district panchayats and 87 municipalities, went to polls in three phases in the southern state on December 8, 10 and 14.
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