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Influence of dictatorship on country rising: Sonia
August 29, 2020

Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Saturday alleged that anti-national and anti-poor forces were spreading hatred and venom of violence in India and the influence of 'tanashahi' (dictatorship) on the country's 'lokshahi' (democracy) was rising.

She also said that the founding fathers of the country would have never imagined that the Constitution and democracy will be in danger 75 years after the Independence as "bad thinking is now dominating, freedom of expression is in danger and democratic institutions are being ruined".

Gandhi was addressing the foundation stone laying ceremony of the new Chhattisgarh assembly building to be built in Nava Raipur, the upcoming capital city of the state, through a recorded video message in Hindi.

"For the past some time, an attempt is being made to derail our country. New challenges have come before our democracy. Today, the country stands at a crossroads. Anti-poor and anti-nation forces and those who rule by making people fight against each other have been spreading hatred and
venom of violence," she said.

"Bad thinking is dominating good thinking, freedom of expression is in danger and democratic institutions are being ruined. The influence of 'tanashahi' has been increasing on 'lokshahi'," she added.

-- PTI
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