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932 deaths in Spain in 24 hrs, toll 10935
April 03, 2020

As many as 932 people died in Spain due to the coronavirus on Friday (local time), taking the toll in the European country to 10,935.Spain has the world's second-highest COVID-19 toll after Italy. Spain has 1,17,710 confirmed cases, reported Al Jazeera.

The country's health ministry data shows a consistent downward trend in the rate of new cases and fatalities.According to the WHO daily situation report, Europe has confirmed 5,03,006 cases, which accounts for more than half of global cases. 

The continent has recorded over 33,000 deaths.Globally, the number of people infected with the coronavirus surpassed one million on Thursday, according to Johns Hopkins University. Of these, more than 53,000 have died. -- ANI
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