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PM Modi's UNGA address to begin shortly
September 27, 2019

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York on Friday, in what would be his maiden speech at the world body after assuming office for the second term.

Modi's speech will outline the country's larger role on the world stage and what it was doing on the development, peace and security fronts.

The government has maintained that the prime minister will not mention the Kashmir issue at all during the time allotted for the address, in view that the revocation of Article 370 is India's internal matter.

The address will likely take place at around 7.30 pm (IST), shortly before Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan will deliver his speech.

Islamabad, on its part, has made it clear that Khan would raise the issue of Kashmir at the world body.   -- ANI
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